Klicks: 324

nice one *-*

What abot a blue.coloured.picture.blog, just for you? ;-)
not quite the right thing.....
there's not much around I am afraid.....it seems like you should open one by yourself.
I'd like to contribute to it from time to time. :-)

I think I'd rather stick to yours ;)

ok....;-) I am glad to read that.....
What about you being creative with pen & paper?
I'd also like to see some more space pictures!
Did you ever watch Space Night on BR something around the year 2000?
I quite liked that flying around - and dreamt of accompanying such a voyage.
Now that is obsolete but that's a different topic....

Around the year 2000 I was about three, so chances are good that I've seen it, but unfortunately I can't remeber :/ But I'll do some research :)
At the moment, all I could give you are doodles from the edge of my notebooks and those mainly consist of dragons killing my teachers/planets/the Starfleet logo. But weekend is going to come, maybe I'll reactivate my old aquarell colours...

I could do with a real fierce dragon. Could you draw one for me?

sure thing :) I'll post it tomorrow.

There you go :)