Klicks: 353
copyright by Liv - http://trekkie.blogger.de/
Dank und thanks to you
the youngest ever reader
in my bloggy universe.
For all the comments
on behalf of blueblue skies
a passion that we share
despite of numbers' age.
Liv long and prosper!
copyright by Liv - http://trekkie.blogger.de/
Dank und thanks to you
the youngest ever reader
in my bloggy universe.
For all the comments
on behalf of blueblue skies
a passion that we share
despite of numbers' age.
Liv long and prosper!
should you ever find yourself in need of a dragon again, just tell me :)
Sonntag, 19. Januar 2014, 10:05
I surely will. ;-)
Sonntag, 19. Januar 2014, 23:52